Teacher Bibliography

Bonfanti, Leo. The Witchcrafct Hysteria of 1692. c1984 - Each trial is treated as a separtate case study

Chadwick, Bruce. Infamous Trials. c.1997 - Reviews some of the most infamous trials in history, including the Salem Witch Trials

Phillips, James Duncan. Salem in the Seventeenrh Century. c1935 - Local historian reviews witchcraft era.

Robinson, Enders A. The Devil Discovered, Salem Wrtchcraft 1692. c1991. - Short biographies of 86 victims.

Starkey, Marion A. The Devil in Massachusetts, A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials. c1949 - a readable and entertaining study.

Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft. c1867 - Early classic study of the witchcraft hysteria.

Audio Visual:

"Hysteria in Salem Village". Danvers, Massachusetts. Dan Tremblay, Producer,1992. Video. Color. 18 mins.

"Salem Witch Trials". Del Mar, California: McGraw Hill Films.Video. Black and White. 25 mins.

"Three Sovereigns for Sarah". Pisano, Victor. Los Angeles, Prism Entertainment, 1984. Video. Color. 132 mins.

"Witchcraft in America: Behind the Crucible", Educational Filmstrips. 1978. 1 color filmstrip/casetts.

"Days of Judgement", Peabody-Essex Museum: Salem, MA. audio tape

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